Thursday, August 03, 2006

Salsa Girl

This Summer, my daughter, Maggie, decided she wanted to sell fresh salsa at a Farmer's Market. There is a small market in a town near my home and we registered as vendors at the start of the season for $25.00. Since then, she and I have been selling Salsa Magrita (mild and medium), Cici’s Magnificent Cheese Spread, Grand Granola, and various yummy cookies. I have enjoyed these Saturday mornings, getting to know many local people (vendors and customers). It is fun shopping and visiting at the Farmer's market and, of course, it is especially enjoyable spending time with Maggie.

1 comment:

Debs said...

Cici,where on earth is the Warren Farmer's market? I live right in Warren and haven't seen it. I'd like to come down and meet Adana's friend that lives so close to me. I'm Debs and I live on College street which is behind the K-b civic center. I am also cross stitch crazy, which is how I met Adana. Just missed meeting you at HOS. Hope to join the two of you at the stocking finishing group.